Our broker mission
To advise you and help you to choose the insurer and the contract that best suits your family situation, your age and your budget:
Young people, students, employees, pre-retirees, retirees, benefit from our expertise!
The MESORE group created in 2000 specializes in personal and business services. Based in Caluire (Lyon-Rhône) in France, the company MESORE holds a professional insurance broker's card and has a professional civil liability insurance underwritten by the insurer MARKEL International Insurance Company Limited. The company MESORE as an insurance broker is governed by French regulations and is registered with ORIAS under number 07004424.
The Single Register of Insurance, Banking and Finance Intermediaries lists natural or legal persons authorized to carry on insurance or reinsurance intermediation, banking and payment services,
financial investment advisers and investment advisers. tied agents of investment services provider in France. Its consultation makes it possible to verify this authorization for all the
intermediaries, whether they are registered in France or in another European State (only for the intermediaries in insurance).
We work for different insurance companies to offer you a solution tailored to your needs.
MESORE distributes the insurance contracts of the following companies: ACS, APRIL International, MSH International, HUMANIS.
Do not hesitate to contact us to obtain a detailed estimate corresponding to your situation.
In Mexico less than 1% of the population
account with private insurance.
(on 120 million inhabitants).
There are about 30 insurance companies and only 9 concentrate 90% of the market.
1/4 of the population is not insured.
You are between 16
and 66 years old
and you want to benefit
health insurance
at a lower cost!
Students, Travelers, PVT, Trainees, on mission.